Points Scheme:
First Number: 1st place in class = 20, 2nd = 18, 3rd = 16, 4th = 14, 5th = 12, 6th = 10, 7th = 8, 8th = 7, 9th = 6, 10th = 5, 11th = 4, 12th = 3, 13th = 2, 14th = 1
Second Number: Number of Competitors in the class that day
Third Number: 3 points awarded to fastest single run of the day in the class.

Remember: All competitors must drop one event from their totals at year end for Championship total. If you did all events in the season, you’ll lose your lowest event points. If you did less than all of them, you lose 0 points.

2016 Rallycross Championship

Pro 2
Thorn, Mike14+616+420+4+318+320+5+320+320+620+5+320+5+316+316+3+3262
Mo, William18+716+616+416+514+618+512+520+3+318+3195
Dombrosky, Jordan12+712+620+418+414+518+318+616+514+5187
Jones, Matt20+7+320+6+318+4+320+3+318+516+3+310+6171
Vuvan, Lynden16+718+616+6+312+516+518+320+3154
Malo, Brandon10+710+614+416+370
Sharp, Dave14+714+412+657
Chiu, Kevin18+523
Duchesne, Christophe14+519
Tran, Jensen12+517
Smith, Ryan8+715
Pro 4
McGrath, Tony20+1+320+1+320+1+320+2+397
Juffermans, Ray20+1+324
Jones, Matt18+220
Expert 2
Roberts, Chuck20+3+318+3+318+420+2+320+4+318+2+320+5+320+3+320+4+320+3+320+4+320+3+320+3+3316
Goerzen, Ryan18+320+320+4+318+216+420+218+518+318+418+318+416+318+3262
Robinson, Bob16+314+414+516+314+416+316+418+316+3172
Cook, Aran18+414+440
See, Marc16+316+439
Champ, Lyall16+521
Dushesne, Christophe16+420
Radisic, Nik14+418
Good, Zac12+517
Expert 4
Roberts, Carter18+520+5+320+4+320+4+320+4+320+3+318+220+1+3202
Stubbs, Chris16+414+518+518+420+3+316+516+414+4169
Badry, Lorne16+5 14+516+418+320+214+516+414+418+4164
Badry, Chris18+420+5+320+5+320+4+318+5128
Burns, Shaun12+512+514+416+318+2+312+514+418+3134
Amero, Brett20+4+316+518+418+492
Winkelmeier, Al16+416+339
Gunn, Chris20+2+325
Kemp, Jarrod14+418
Novice 2
Dostie, Eric16+720+5+318+7+318+1120+5+320+8+320+720+1220+1218+820+6+3313
Myatt, Scott14+520+716+1118+820+5+316+720+8+318+12+3214
Fricker, Daniel16+510+818+514+714+1216+816+1212+812+6199
King, Trevor12+714+1118+7+318+1218+814+6148
Coffin, Tyler5+1114+516+814+512+76+128+84+12147
Harrison, Carey12+712+512+810+712+1210+1210+8137
Seward, Rick18+718+516+720+11+318+5128
Thomas, Nathan14+812+1216+816+692
Piper, Logan12+820+8+318+675
Dickson, Kile8+78+77+1114+870
Priest, Kait16+514+76+1159
Guiney, Martin14+712+118+759
Harrison, Alexander8+83+1214+853
Makarewicz, Mark16+12+610+852
Tanguay, Mathieu16+58+1241
Manko, Basil10+117+1240
Dombroksy, Daryl8+118+1239
Liu, Chang7+810+1237
Smit, Bryce6+128+834
Brodie, Mikel7+810+631
Turner, Kent14+1226
Harman, Shaun7+1219
Nielsen, Jordan12+517
Clydesdale, Gareth10+717
Hanson, Shane10+717
Cook, Barry12+517
Taylor, Ewan5+1217
Exnowski, Kyle5+1217
Kolasa, Kevin4+1216
Crnic, Damir3+1215
Plooy, Matthew7+815
Runyon, Pamela4+1115
Novice 4
Spicer, Cale18+814+418+410+714+912+5123
Avery, Justin20+7+320+6+320+9+320+5+3119
Burton, Kevin18+418+718+614+590
Smale, Matthew16+820+3+320+1+374
Aylward, Gordon20+4+3
Blanchard, Colin14+412+714+657
Chappell, Garrett16+916+950
Krueger, Jared20+4+314+950
Callaghan, James18+918+550
Tran, Jim16+416+743
Bentley, Keith16+414+741
Bianco, Chris16+418+341
Burns, Braeden18+414+440
Maynard, Cole8+916+538
Laramee, Matt14+410+937
Chanski, Metro8+910+936
Tolentino, Patrick16+38+734
Amero, Colin20+8+331
Fleckenstein, Peter20+4+327
VanderToon, Remco18+927
Seo, Vince14+822
Macleod, Nathan18+422
Tully, Derek16+622
Lo, Al12+921
Taubensee, Mitchell12+921
Hoon Seo, Ki12+820
Kolasa, Kevin16+420
Onyschuk, James10+8 18
Vanderlinden, Bart12+618
Verruyt, Bart8+8 16
Lemont, Ryan10+616
Granoien, Chris7+916
Richardson, Dylan7+916
Li, Shinn7+815
Dostie, Eric6+915
Bottorff, Jared6+915